Ensure Total Protection: Why Pairing Pest Prevention with Termite Inspection is Essential

In the beautiful Sacramento area of California, homeowners cherish their properties as havens for their families and beloved pets. However, the threat of pests, particularly termites and wood-destroying organisms, lurks just beneath the surface. While our custom Pest Prevention services excel at keeping general pests at bay, termites present a unique challenge that requires specialized attention.

Who is this for? It's for homeowners who understand the importance of proactive home maintenance and safeguarding their investment against costly damage. If you're in Sacramento and value the safety and integrity of your home, pairing pest prevention with termite inspection is essential.

image of single termite causing damage - pest control center in Sacramento can reduce your chances of an infestation in the Folsom, Placerville, Elk Grove greater areas

Problems solved: Many homeowners mistakenly assume that general pest prevention encompasses all potential threats. However, termites operate differently, often infiltrating structures unnoticed until significant damage has occurred. A complete termite inspection identifies problem areas and provides early intervention to limit damage, even if an active infestation is discovered.

Benefits of doing both: By combining our Pest Prevention services with a thorough termite inspection, homeowners enjoy peace of mind knowing their property is fully protected. Our customized solutions address both general pests and termites, tailored to the unique needs of your home and family. Preventative measures not only save you from costly repairs but also preserve the structural integrity and value of your property for years to come.

Don't wait for pests to wreak havoc on your home. Take proactive steps today by scheduling a termite inspection alongside your initial pest prevention service. Contact Pest Control Center for a comprehensive consultation and safeguard your home with confidence.

During the month of May, we are offering an Inspect and Protect Special! All new customers that purchase a 1-year Pest Prevention service will receive a free Complete Termite inspection valued at $150.00. 

What are you waiting for? Get your FREE ESTIMATE. Call now!





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